One of the wooden blocks was missing, so Willow created a search party made up of Willow, CPK Baby Kayleigh, Baby Monkey and Daddy and started on a journey to FIND THE MISSING BLOCK!!! The search party looked high and low, as high as the ever-high balloon and as low as, er, under the couch. But Block O' Letter Q was nowhere to be found. The search continued, with Daddy bellowing, "Oh, Blo-ock!" And Willow skipping alongside, squealing, "Oh, Bro-ock!" The block did not answer. Finally, after much searching, and after Willow gave Daddy a scolding or two for breaking off from the search to make the bed and clean off the breakfast table, the search party found the block! The block was hiding away behind the Disney Little People Princess Palace (Willow thinks Block O' Letter Q was just trying to find a good and quiet place to poop, but Daddy suspects the block was peeping on Cinderella). Willow triumphantly return Block to his spot in the wooden block string-pull...
A father's journey to finding the right words.