Willow's second birthday is on Monday, a day that has been approaching quickly, both on the calendar and in the tot's development.
Willow is the size of an average 3-year-old girl. She wears 3T clothing and size 8 shoes.
As for other developments, Willow seems to be bright (she can say her ABCs through "Q"; now I have no idea if this means anything to her or if it's simply rote memory, but I'm impressed). She's also climbing all over the place, up the ladder to the slide and up to the changing table top (gasp!).
And that brings me to two big milestones we've been working on intermittently: potty training and big-girl bed training. Cherish and I have tried to not be too pushy on this stuff; we want Willow to learn at her own pace.
This week, though, Willow has really taken off. She has been taking off her pants and diaper and climbing the footstool to get to the toilet. A few times, she has even tinkled!
The bed has been a bit tougher because Willow is really attached to that crib of hers. Most articles we've read on the topic indicate tots need until 3 to make the transition, but we have, um, a growing situation in Mommy's tummy. Still, we don't want to be too pushy. But here and there, we've been able to get Willow to settle down enough in the big-girl bed to go to sleep, and once she's asleep, we're golden. Now we need her to be more consistent with her big-bed slumbers (especially knowing not to get out of bed to go play). We'll get there.
We'll get there.
Willow is the size of an average 3-year-old girl. She wears 3T clothing and size 8 shoes.
As for other developments, Willow seems to be bright (she can say her ABCs through "Q"; now I have no idea if this means anything to her or if it's simply rote memory, but I'm impressed). She's also climbing all over the place, up the ladder to the slide and up to the changing table top (gasp!).
And that brings me to two big milestones we've been working on intermittently: potty training and big-girl bed training. Cherish and I have tried to not be too pushy on this stuff; we want Willow to learn at her own pace.
This week, though, Willow has really taken off. She has been taking off her pants and diaper and climbing the footstool to get to the toilet. A few times, she has even tinkled!
The bed has been a bit tougher because Willow is really attached to that crib of hers. Most articles we've read on the topic indicate tots need until 3 to make the transition, but we have, um, a growing situation in Mommy's tummy. Still, we don't want to be too pushy. But here and there, we've been able to get Willow to settle down enough in the big-girl bed to go to sleep, and once she's asleep, we're golden. Now we need her to be more consistent with her big-bed slumbers (especially knowing not to get out of bed to go play). We'll get there.
We'll get there.
Is there a gate on her door? We moved Janey out of the crib at about the same time, for the same reason. We gated her door. She did OK, but we left a pillow and blanket on the floor of her room, and for awhile we would find her there in the mornings.