Willow loves to tag along for bike rides. The skinny guy in front of her plans on taking at least 10 of them in May. I've set my fitness goals for May. Walk more than 30 miles. Run more than 16 miles. Bike more than 20 miles. Those are the easy, but sometimes boring, ones. These are much, much more fun on the old body: Push a swing more than 1,500 times. Guide a baby down a slide more than 50 times. Push a stroller more than 40 miles. And these unavoidable fitness "goals" are much, much harder on the old body: Chase a walking baby more miles than I care to calculate. Change more than 150 diapers. Change more than 50 sets of clothes. Wash about 35 loads of laundry. Wash about 25 loads of dishes. And on and on. This, friends, is what I call the "Ultimate Cross-training Challenge," and I'm about to face the gauntlet this month. Wish me luck.
A father's journey to finding the right words.