A while back, I shared with you details about Willow's first kiss (which came from a diabolical tot named Max). A lot has happened since that kiss; Willow has grown by leaps and bounds.
This weekend, she started saying the word too.
The word usually comes out like this: "TOUCH ... dow!" in her mousy voice. Sometimes it's just a squeak; other times it's a clear yelp.
Every time it brings a smile to your face.
- Her top two teeth have started coming in (and with it an annoying clicking sound Willow likes to show off).
- Willow has started walking. She's inconsistent with it and still chooses the much speedier crawling to walking, but I've seen her walk from the kitchen to the love seat in the living room, which is more than 20 feet.
- She plays much more with toys than she used to (and she leaves bigger messes).
- She likes to take things out and put things in (cabinets, boxes).
- She smiles, laughs, giggles and points all the time.
- She takes most her formula in sippy cups now.
- She eats almost everything Mommy and Daddy eats.
- Her vocabulary has grown. She can say "Da-da," "Daddy," "Ma-ma," "Mom," "touchdown" (story below), "that" (pronounced "DAH!") and "bye" (she told Mommy "BYE!" triumphantly and clearly this morning). I've also heard her say "Pop," "puppy," "dog" and "duck," but only a time or two. I think she can say "bottle" too, but it's not at all clear.
- Her sign language vocabulary has grown too. She can sign for milk, food and "more" (just started this morning). She's learning signs for "all done" and "all gone."
- She also can point if she wants something and shake her head if that's not what she wants (she gives you an affirming smile if that's what she wants).
- She can wave "bye" and "hello."
- I think she's created signs of her own, but I'm not sure what they mean (such as a military-style wave of the arm and the snap of her fingers).
- She loves to pucker up and kiss things (usually with an open mouth). She prefers kissing her stuffed animals and "babies" over kissing yucky grown-ups.
- She's started to figure out how to turn things on and off and to trigger a toy's sounds (she even learned to make one of her babies laugh, and Mommy and Daddy didn't know how to).
Willow's Pop, aka Cherish's dad, has been signaling and saying "TOUCHDOWN" since she was just a wee pup. Willow loves this and usually returns the gesture along with a big smile or laugh.This weekend, she started saying the word too.
The word usually comes out like this: "TOUCH ... dow!" in her mousy voice. Sometimes it's just a squeak; other times it's a clear yelp.
Every time it brings a smile to your face.
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