Willow is 9 months old now, and she's keeping me busy. I'm not sure "busy" even cuts it; she's keeping me in hyperdrive. I think I need vitamin B shots just to get through the day, and she's not even walking yet. I'm shaking here, folks. Shaking. I've already lost 19 pounds since becoming a stay-at-home dad (much more and I might be almost healthy).
She's napping now, so I get a chance for some updates.
She's napping now, so I get a chance for some updates.
- We visited the doctor on Monday, and Willow checked out perfectly. She's officially 20 pounds now, but I can tell you she weighs more than that. I'm sure of it. Willow cried when the nurse weighed her (just like Mommy does, Cherish noted). But there were no shots. YAY!
- Up to now, Willow hasn't been afraid of anything, but she's starting to develop her shyness of strangers. Of the doctor her eyes spoke, "Who is this strange woman, and why is she touching me? Oh, why is she touching me THERE?"
- Willow is eating all sorts of stuff nowadays. She loves Cheerios and grain puffs. She also likes fresh bananas and cooked carrots and peas. She loves to suck on pickles and cucumber slices too. She likes yogurt and Jell-O as well. She eats all the jarred baby food we give her (graduating to Level 3) but prefers eating what Mommy and Daddy are eating. We share when appropriate. She doesn't care much for avocado or hummus (this saddens Mommy), but she'll eat it.
- Willow crawls everywhere, anytime. She loves to crawl around Mommy and Daddy's legs like a cat, but she'll venture off to a vacant room, which sends us chasing. As for keeping her from undesirable places, such as the TV stand, "not for Willow" works sometimes. Sometimes it doesn't. We've been able to distract her from undesirable spots with toys and affection, but she's starting to get keen.
- She naps twice a day now, 10:30 and 3:30, and she takes five 5-ounce bottles each day. She eats three solid meals a day. Mommy reads to her every night before her 9 p.m. bedtime. She usually wakes at 7 a.m. each day. She usually doesn't stir at night, but Mommy and Daddy do (darned nightmares).
- Of course, she loves going to the park whenever it's warm. Soon she and Daddy will be going to story time at the local library every Monday (we went once already, but the other kids were a little too big for her), and we're eager for warmer weather so we can head back to the zoo and its awesome playground.
- Her favorites times of the day are spending time with Mommy in the morning and spending time with Mommy at night. She tolerates Daddy the rest of the time.
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